Galileo and vaccine risk

What if full vaccination as the foundation of health is the modern day equivalent of the earth as the center of the universe?

Galileo, through his own observations and careful calculations, figured out that the authorities of his time were wrong. The earth was not, in fact, the center of the universe.

Under the threat of death, he was forced to cancel his own thinking… and to publicly agree with the consensus of his day.

What might we see today if full vaccination as the foundation of health is the modern day equivalent of the earth as the center of the universe?

We might see something like this:

Dr Sutton will not deny what she knows to be true

Today, especially in California, vaccine-choice friendly doctors who write medical exemptions are being compelled under threat of economic devastation to deny that vaccine risks exist.    

CA state senator Richard Pan, the medical board, the CDC, and Big Pharma want nothing less than their full compliance.  And to scare less courageous doctors away from independent thinking about the proper use of vaccines.


Because what they really want is YOUR full compliance!

If you had the opportunity – right now – to help a modern-day Galileo who, instead of recanting, chose to stand and fight, would you do something to help?

I encourage you to donate to her defense. She, and her excellent team, are fighting for the world we all want to live in. 

A world where:

  • doctors can again be trusted healers who use their own best judgement
  • doctors serve their patients, not state health departments, not insurance companies, not the CDC’s vaccination goals
  • vaccination is a choice that informed parents work out with their vaccine-risk educated doctor

Dr Sutton is fighting for this world.  You can, too.

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